How Do You Play Other DI's

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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How Do You Play Other DI's

Post by hotshooter » Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:19 pm

Okay, Here are a couple od scenarios/situations to see how would you play other DI's

Scenario/situation #1 You walk up to a table waiting to shoot and a DI that you have never seen before or one you are not familiar with shots the dice. How do you play him? for me it is a min 6 and 8 say $6 6 $6 8 or on a $10 table $12 each on the 6 and 8 and go from there.

Scenario/situation #2 You are playing with a DI that you know or have seen before. How do you play them?

for me it is $44 inside with a regression to a $6 6 and 8

amish dude
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Re: How Do You Play Other DI's

Post by amish dude » Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:43 pm

if i have seen him shoot before remembered him cause he stood out!
$44 inside plus buy the 4 for $10
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Re: How Do You Play Other DI's

Post by hotshooter » Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:08 am

I have been practicing $15 5, $18 on the 6 and 8 and $5 in the field on my own shooting leaving it for 2-3 rolls then if no seven going to $6 6 and 8. I am thinking of trying it on my own shooting once i dial in and am warm and possibly on other DI's if i find any next week in Vegas.

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Re: How Do You Play Other DI's

Post by SHOOTITALL » Sat Dec 22, 2012 12:24 pm

Play them whether you know them or not very carefully. Simply because the hand before this one was a monster does not mean this one will also be one.
Too many times the second go just doesn't work.
Short Story. In Biloxia once, at the table with four terrific DI's whom I have known for years. Me, $22 inside, PL plus odds. PSO. Next shooter, Repeat, PSO. Next shooter, repeat. PSO. Next shooter, $44 inside, PSO. Then comes the Guru Heavy. $44 inside, PSO. Five PSO's in a row. I slinked away from the table and got a Heineken.
Your craps plan? The dice gods laughed.

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Re: How Do You Play Other DI's

Post by Golfer » Sat Dec 22, 2012 4:02 pm

In Vegas one year I was at a table with some famous DI's and it turned out to be the perfect storm...crash and burned.

Tn Nighthawk

Re: How Do You Play Other DI's

Post by Tn Nighthawk » Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:39 pm

Hey Shooter.
Glad to see you up and running again on H's board.
If I were at your table, it would definitely be $44 inside.
TN Nighthawk
p.s. One of my most enjoyable experiences, was a Vegas trip, where I was with you, TinHornGambler, Mastercrapsman & his brother, and we played, I think it was Sam's Town. Everyone chipped in X number of $'s, with THG keeping the pot, and making the bets, while each of us did our on shooting, and made our own bets. As I recall, we each were rewarded $50, profit, for our contribution to the pot.
If I ever get back to Las Vegas, would love to hook up again. Did hook up with the THG, a day or two last year. "He's a gentleman and a scholar." I've always enjoyed playing with him, and you as well. Haven't heard from Mastercrapsman, since he "retired." Have you??

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Re: How Do You Play Other DI's

Post by Golfer » Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:04 am

Hey TN, ever hear from Tinhorn Gambler lately????



Tn Nighthawk

Re: How Do You Play Other DI's

Post by Tn Nighthawk » Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:32 pm

Hey Golfer.
Thought I might get to Las Vegas this year, called him, and told him same, but here it is the end of the year, and I'm still nearly 2000 miles away.
I use to enjoy his posts, but for some reason, he is no longer on H's board.
Will send him an email, every so often, but haven't actually talked to him, in several months.
TN Nighthawk
p.s. As mentioned, some of my most favorite times in Vegas, was with THG, Hotshooter, and Mastercrapsman.

Tn Nighthawk

Re: How Do You Play Other DI's

Post by Tn Nighthawk » Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:05 pm

Golfer, after your post, I got in touch with the THG, and asked for his permission to copy and paste the item below, received a few minutes ago. Had it not been for attending one of Heavy's Crapfest deals, I probably never would have met, THG and Hotshooter. And, The TinHornGambler said,

Hotshooter was in town ....

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; Except a couple of shooters hitting the Downtown Las Vegas Casino’s.

Actually, it was the afternoon when we started stirring up the Christmas spirit, taking from the rich and giving to “hotshooter” and “Tinhorn Gambler.”

Our first session was at the “D’” casino, when hotshooter opened up the session with a 20 + roll hand. Then we switched to the DON’T side on other random rollers. The table was producing a lot of come naturals, and we couldn’t gain an edge on the Don’t. However, we were able to stay fairly even on the Randies.
My turn at the dice also produced a 20 + roll hand. Hotshooter had another roll in the high teens before we pulled the plug on this house …. as the table filled up.

We hitched up our sleigh and headed to other locations looking for cookies and milk. We found an empty table at the Golden Gate.
And this time I opened the session with a hand in high teens and “hotshooter” followed with another good hand. We went back and forth taking from the rich and filling our stockings. Another player arrived at the table and we decided to load up our sleigh and continue on our Christmas rounds …. to another location.

We arrived at Main Street Station to again find a lonely, empty table. Bringing great Christmas cheer … we started off with the usually good hands when the Grinch tried to steal our Christmas tidings. We both did a point Seven - ouch. However, we recovered nicely as my last hand capped off a 20 + roll hand.

With our stocking abound … we called it a night.


You gotta hitchup your sleigh and head this way....
THG (THG, substituted by me, TN Nighthawk)

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