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Bigkahnman's Press Regression

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:23 pm
by $5Bill
I copied this play by Bigkahnman from Heavy's old Forum

hi guys try this one out
bet $30 EACH on #6 and #8

(1ST HIT) lets say the #6 wins
you ( COLLECT ) payoff is $35 put it in your rack
THEN REGRESS your bets to $18 EACH on #6 AND #8
dealer hands you back $24 you only have $1 at risk

( 2ND HIT ) lets say the #8 wins
you ( collect ) payoff is $21 put it in your rack
THEN REGRESS your bets to $12 EACH on #6 and #8
dealer hands you back $12

( 3rd hit ) lets say the #8 wins again
you ( collect ) payoff is $14 put it in rack
THEN REGRESS your bets to $6 EACH on #6 and #8
dealer hands you back $12

( 4 hit ) lets say the #6 wins again
your payoff is $7 put it in rack you then pull your $12 down

Re: Bigkahnman's Press Regression

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:56 pm
by $5Bill
Last Nights Practice Session

Well after posting Bigkahnman's press regression play, I thought I would try it out on Americrap's table last night. We usually get together once a week and practice. I usually bring a different strategy every week to try out and we track each others rolls with Bone Tracker.

Bigkahnman's play went pretty good at first and then the 7's started coming before I could get a hit on either the $30 6 or 8. That brought me back down somewhat but I was still in the profit mood. I adjusted my toss and climbed back up again. It was like a roller coaster ride. But I never went into the negative, I came close though. It always seemed like I would make more money again. To give you an idea, I went from a $30 6 and 8 up just a little over $200 and then I came back down to around $60 and then back up to over $200 again.

After practicing for 3 hours, I ended up ahead +$97 for the night.

After we were though, we looked at bone tracker and saw that I should have been using a variation of the cross 6's set to get the maximum amount of 6's and 8's. I had been using the V2 set last. Next week I'll try the new cross 6's set and see how things go.

My main numbers last night were the 10, 8, 12 and 2 in that order. Amercrap's had a little side bankroll of $30 in white chips playing $1 at a time on my 12's on every one of my rolls. He did pretty good on that bet and made over $120 profit on my 12's.

Well... until next time


Re: Bigkahnman's Press Regression

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:29 am
by heavy
This is an interesting play - regressing after EVERY hit. It might be interesting to run something similar with an inside bet. Say $110 inside. First hit collect $35 and regress to $88 inside. Second hit collect $28 and regress to $66 inside. Third hit collect $21 and regress to $44 inside. Fourth hit collect $14 and regress to $22 inside. I would be a little hesitant about tossing that first bet out until I had somehow qualified the shooter. I wouldn't want to try spreading that much action on an unknown shooter.

Another way you could regress after every hit would be to go all the way across, then strip out the outside numbers after each hit. Start with $64 across. After the first hit take down the four and ten, leaving you $44 inside. After the second hit take down the five and nine, leaving you $12 each on the six and eight. Of course, I tend to do just the opposite when I play, starting with the six and eight and pressing up and out.

Re: Bigkahnman's Press Regression

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:10 am
by Roller123

Whenever I get into a cycle like that I quit on the upswing. If the flow of the table or an individual's shooting is ebb and flow, ebb and flow, once recognized, bail at the peak before the valley takes your winnings.


Re: Bigkahnman's Press Regression

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:28 pm
by pappyvanwinkle
It is an interesting play, I don't think it's for me though. Don't get me wrong I actually believe in using regressions to lock in some profit. What I generally do is just regress to cover my risk.

I think the key is in what Heavy said
Heavy wrote:I would be a little hesitant about tossing that first bet out until I had somehow qualified the shooter. I wouldn't want to try spreading that much action on an unknown shooter.
It's the first bet out there that is the killer, tossing out the first $30 6 and 8. First hit collect $35 and regress the 6 and 8 to $12 each, so you lock up a immediate $11 profit. Depending on how the table is going I'd either press the bet on every hit or every other hit. Every hit your always going to be in profit. In addition you can always repeat the regression after pressing one of the bets up to lets say $30 or $60, regressing it back down to $12, and getting more of your profits off of the table.

A bunch of PSO's will definitely hurt. Of course if you want to be really aggressive and do the working on the come out, those come out 7's will sting too!

Re: Bigkahnman's Press Regression

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:02 pm
by heavy
Nothing like digging deep into the archives and reviving an old betting strategy from time to time.

Re: Bigkahnman's Press Regression

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:52 pm
by DanF
It's a good strategy, but you invest a lot for low profits.

I have workbench a few similar strategies, but you need to push the reward curve a bit for it to be profitable long term.

Re: Bigkahnman's Press Regression

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:23 pm
by slowdriver
It's fun to read up on some of these old strategies, no need to reinvent the wheel whatever you come up with I'm sure its been talked about and tried a few times. Am i right?