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Buffalo Crap? really?

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 3:06 pm
by Bankerdude80
I just finished reading Heavy's Labor Day Weekend Newsletter and the article "Hops, Props, and Side Bets". It's nice to see humor in many of the bets on the table. My question relates to the All Tall Small bet. I set for sevens on the come out and will often hit several as well as some craps before I set my point. In one game, I was getting killed on the All Tall Small bet because of the number of sevens I was tossing on the come out. (The All Tall Small bets come down when seven rolls) I was running in place pretty much. What is the best way to hedge for this? A sevens hop bet? How would you play this one?

Re: Buffalo Crap? really?

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 3:42 pm
by heavy
Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

Re: Buffalo Crap? really?

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 3:42 pm
by Ahigh
It's a little bit counter intuitive, but he's right. You want to bet the don't pass on the initial roll in order not to hedge the ATS with the pass line bet.

When I still have lots of come bets that have traveled and I don't want to roll a seven and I make a point, I will often bet the don't pass and then place the point when a point is established.

The same way, you just want to bypass the seeking of natural seven winners on the comeout roll.

Think about it this way: you bet the don't pass for $5 instead of the pass. Then you shoot for a tough number -- like aces. It's a win win on the ATS and don't come because you're not hedging.

If you end up with another hard number like a hard four let's say. You might think you lost an opportunity for free odds, but you didn't.

In fact, that $5 now has a 33.3% advantage to your favor. That's $1.67. So you can afford a one dollar vig to buy the point for $25 with the wins from rolling a comeout four. Consider it better than 5x free odds on the four because the vig is paid for in advance and then some. People might scratch their heads why you buy the point when you bet the don't pass up front, but you're winning with each roll instead of taking free odds on the four as a consolation prize.

Your effective $20 risk wins you $49 - $5 or $44. Another player with $20 risk has $5 pass line and $15 odds, and he only wins $35 instead of $44 with the same risk after the comeout.

But the general answer of don't roll sevens on the comeout is right. And placing the point on top of a don't pass is the way to get it done.

Re: Buffalo Crap? really?

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 4:33 pm
by shunkaha
I suppose if you really thought you were going to win All Tall & Small, you could hop the 7s on comeout for $57 total... but as everyone said it might be easier to either:

a] not set the seven, or
b] don't bet the ATS

I'd probably opt for b and figure I either made more long term off the comeout 7s or lost less not betting ATS than I lost off not having an ATS in the first place, but if you are that good at comeout 7s that a $57 hop is a good bet, I'd do 7 hops and lay everything else. If you do the hops and it works for you let me know... I'm sure I can find a couple of Benjamins that have nothing to do except hop that 7 with you. :-)

Re: Buffalo Crap? really?

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:11 pm
by Bankerdude80
tabletop123 wrote:NOT set the sevens set on the come-out.
Heavy wrote:Yeah, my thoughts exactly.