Looking to Cowtip...

Queue the Imperial March. DarthNater is in the house. Welcome to Heavy's Wrong Way Craps forum - where the discussions focus on the Dark Side of casino craps. You can bet our resident expert, DarthNater, has answers. If he doesn't, there are plenty of other Dark Siders who normally stand quietly down at the end of the table who will be more than willing to chime in. Not sure about making Don't Come Bets? Unsure about Lay Bets, and Laying Odds? Never heard of the One Hit - Can't Miss? Wouldn't know a Hybrid Play from a Zee-Donk? You've come to the right place. You'll find all that - plus Dark Side strategies for Dice Influencers - and MORE! Come on in.

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Mad Professor
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Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by Mad Professor » Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:26 pm

Hi lojackd,

What I am saying is that if your 7-Out predictive powers are so uncannily accurate; then why putz around red-chipping it with your first Grand Martingale bet set at only $5?

Why not start at $25 or even $50?

Here's the thing:

~If it works, then ride that bitch like you mean it, hellbent for leather. Beat it like a rented mule, and move up to the next starting-base bet-level ($75 or $100) as soon as possible.

~If the dice-off-the-table thing works so well; then you could actually TIP other players to intentionally throw the bones OFF the table (by setting up a once every three or four-throws 'schedule') so that your income-stream becomes not only more predictable, but also much more lucrative.

Edited to add:

Of course now that I've written that, I can't help but think of Slim Pickens riding the big one:



Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by lojackd » Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:36 pm

That is a fine thought....
I wonder, the only sure thing I know of is deat and taxes, and the odds of probability, working against you...The Perfect storm...None of us bets the farm, hoping to win a cup of dirt.
Ill stick with my small, progressive attitude, and play another day...I never said God has the Bones in his hand, but he may have my ass for thinking I am the Mesiah of Bones...Heavy is the chosen one...


Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by lojackd » Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:26 am

Mad Professor wrote:Hi lojackd,

What I am saying is that if your 7-Out predictive powers are so uncannily accurate; then why putz around red-chipping it with your first Grand Martingale bet set at only $5?

Why not start at $25 or even $50?

Here's the thing:

~If it works, then ride that bitch like you mean it, hellbent for leather. Beat it like a rented mule, and move up to the next starting-base bet-level ($75 or $100) as soon as possible.

~If the dice-off-the-table thing works so well; then you could actually TIP other players to intentionally throw the bones OFF the table (by setting up a once every three or four-throws 'schedule') so that your income-stream becomes not only more predictable, but also much more lucrative.

Edited to add:

Of course now that I've written that, I can't help but think of Slim Pickens riding the big one:

Well, Now that is a Crap Shoot...Thanks for the Quant Theory


Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by AtGame7 » Sat Oct 11, 2014 6:30 am

Mad Professor wrote:
~If the dice-off-the-table thing works so well; then you could actually TIP other players to intentionally throw the bones OFF the table (by setting up a once every three or four-throws 'schedule') so that your income-stream becomes not only more predictable, but also much more lucrative.

This was a joy to read. I have seen right side players turn off their bets every time the dice go off the table because it's "always a 7-out" they say when the dice hit the floor. Same thing with the stick change, they "know" it's a 7-out. I have, on occasion, asked why they don't place a large DP bet, establish a point and then toss the dice into the parking lot as they would be assured to win their DP bet the next toss which is "always" a 7-out.

I get similar reaction when they tell me they won't play the dark side because they can't justify laying more to win less. Then they bet their $44 inside action and I ask them if they understand they are laying $44 to win $14. "Well, not really becau..........." The conversation usually goes silent at that point.

rhythm roller
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Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by rhythm roller » Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:58 pm

I am not a superstitious person in general or at the Craps table. I am more of a " we control our own fate" kind of person and that is probably why I believe in DI.

Actually, the one time I will turn my bets off is when the dice leave the table AND it is a shooter who is trying to control the dice. My reasoning is that they will be so shocked by their dice leaving the table that they will try to adjust their delivery somehow (maybe because that is what I would try to do). That adjustment could turn out good or bad so turning off the bets might end up costing me money but when DI's start thinking about their delivery then that worries me. Can always turn the bets back on once they look to be back in their natural rhythm. Just my two cents! :)
"The difference between try and triumph is a little umph."


Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by AtGame7 » Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:58 pm

Dylanfreake wrote:COWTIPPIN`

On a $5 table with a $4375 Gambling Bankroll, buying in for $175 , which is what you are willing to risk during this craps session, you can use the following negative Cowtippin` progression (which I call a "negression"). I always make a Don`t Pass wager and limit my wagering to one loss per shooter.

5 10 / 10 10 15 20 25 35 45 The 5 10 / I call single wagers . The / 10 10 10 15 20 25 35 45 I call Cowtippin` wagers.
On a $10 table is it as simple as doubling all the numbers here or is the math more complicated than that?

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Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by al_falcons » Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:04 am

AGame, this is what I laid out for a 10 table
10, 15 as normal bets, then the parlay cowtipping starts at 10, 15, 20, 25, 35, 45, 60, 80, 110, 150, 200, 275. That would take an $1100 buy in to complete the series of parlaying the 275 bet.
To keep it at $200 buy in, stop at the $45 level, if you lost them all that would be -170.


Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by AtGame7 » Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:34 pm

al_falcons wrote:AGame, this is what I laid out for a 10 table
10, 15 as normal bets, then the parlay cowtipping starts at 10, 15, 20, 25, 35, 45, 60, 80, 110, 150, 200, 275. That would take an $1100 buy in to complete the series of parlaying the 275 bet.
To keep it at $200 buy in, stop at the $45 level, if you lost them all that would be -170.
Thank you sir! I like this play. I'm comfortable going to the $80 bet as that would put a run out at a loss of $315 and it would take 10 "hands" where you couldn't win two in a row which seems unlikely to happen very often. Of course I know the death of any progression system is that long run out you think doesn't happen very often.

The real fun would be how many times you can get 32 series wins prior to that run out. I like it.

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Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by wiremonkey » Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:24 pm


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Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by heavy » Sun Dec 31, 2017 12:05 pm

Been a couple of years since anyone has talked about DF's Cowtippin' Don't play. I thought I'd bump the thread up for the benefit of you new guys who are still feeling your way around the forum. Additional comments welcome.
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Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by Golfer » Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:25 am

I have seen the Master Cow Tipper do his thing and yell when it hits. One of my favorite craps memories.

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Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by Pacecar » Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:10 am

Science reveals how hard it is to actually do cowtippin' cowtipping
https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/20 ... 645070000/

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Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by Tgold » Thu Mar 19, 2020 8:05 pm

Where is the king of cowtippin ( Dylanfreak)?? Does any one stay in touch with him via personal communication? Has he retired?
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Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by heavy » Fri Mar 20, 2020 12:23 am

Good question. We haven't heard from him in a while. I suspect he's getting ready for Spring gardening. Taking his wife to the casino to play slots (or he will be when they reopen) and doing a little cow tippin' of his own while waiting. Listening to Dylan and watching the current Dylan tour, hoping for a chance to score some tickets so he can take another train ride to New Orleans. Guess I'll have to send him a "nudge" e-mail one of these days and see if I can get him off the front porch.
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Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by Tgold » Fri Mar 20, 2020 3:48 pm

Yes, every time I hear a Dylan song I think of dylanfreake/ his cowtippin et al Don't strategies, maybe he will give us an update.
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Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by Golfer » Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:41 am

I exchanged e mails with him back a month or so. Doing well. The dog track in West Memphis now has craps so no need to drive to Tunica all the time. You're right H, I am sure he is garden planning, highlighting his favorites, taters and okra.


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Re: Looking to Cowtip...

Post by Tgold » Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:29 pm

Thx Golfer for the prompt reply. Glad he is doing well.
Maybe DylanFreake is the cause for the casino closures in Tunica over past few years. DF is slowly and very methodically taking them down one at a time(cowtippin)

Continued Success to you
All the best,

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