Hop 7's Strategy on Randies

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Hop 7's Strategy on Randies

Post by LeftyAJ » Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:37 pm

I've come up with a simple strategy to stop "buy-in bleed down" due to PL and place betting on random rollers. Just seems like every lap around the table is constantly siphoning my buy-ins. I know MP favors just a naked PL wager on randies, but somehow due to my lack of discipline I'm tossing free odds on say a point of 6 or 8. Guess what....7 out. That one or two unit additional wager is killing me..... multiply that 2, 3 or 4 times around a table and you're down a quarter of your chip rail. :cry:

So, on all randies I've been throwing a bare $3 Hop 7's on the come out without any Pl wager. If it hits I'll parlay the first hit and then press up all others. Last week I had a guy throw 5 sevens in a row and then yesterday another RR threw 3 in a row. Very good return on my $3 initial bet. Sure I'll go entire sessions without a parlay hitting but at least for me worst case I'd rather be down $21 than $50-$100 after a lap around the table. Plus, there are a couple additional positives about this play. First, the hop 7's give me a slight hedge on a DP bet in the event the table is cold and I'm going in that direction. Second, I piggyback the dealers on my first parlay and they love it, especialy if it hits. Got the crew on my side which means no heat. Third, It's FUN! Sure I'm at the tables to make money. When myself or another DI or know rhythm roller is shooting I avoid this play but on a randy I'd rather do this ($3) than risk a $10 or $15 PL bet sometimes with odds. Fourth, If the shooter gets hot I can always start placing numbers that he is banging out.

I'm certain this strategy's not for everybody, but it's working for me. Thoughts?
Last edited by LeftyAJ on Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tn Nighthawk

Re: Hop 7's Strategy on Randies

Post by Tn Nighthawk » Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:18 pm

Sounds like a plan, bullies.
Usually, after the first 7, I stack the win on top of the place line bet, and start over if the shooter hits the second seven. I, like you, and probably most of us, have seen more than one 7, on the come out, many times.
I think the "hop the 7's," might be worth a try for me, as well.
TN Nighthawk

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